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A service of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Commute with Enterprise is an alternative commuting solution founded in 1994 that has become one of the largest and most cost-effective vanpool operations in the nation. Commute with Enterprise's vanpooling services include vRide, which was acquired in 2016.

Every business day, Commute with Enterprise takes several thousand cars off the road, eliminating 843 million commuter miles driven each year and eradicating the need for 35,000 parking spaces. Additionally, 655 million pounds of carbon emissions are reduced by Commute with Enterprise customers annually.

Based on annual passenger miles, Commute with Enterprise would rank as one of the largest U.S. public transit agencies today. Commute with Enterprise is supported by the extensive Enterprise Rent-A-Car neighborhood network, which delivers a level of fleet flexibility and local service unmatched in the vanpool industry. By providing an industry-leading selection of vehicles – including crossovers, SUVs, minivans and large passenger vans – Commute with Enterprise offers customizable programs that help communities overcome transportation challenges, both long- and short-term. 

For example, in 2015, Enterprise launched a partnership with the Community Transportation Association of America to provide organizations with the resources to start up or expand vanpool programs of any size. Two of Enterprise’s vRide partners also were recognized in 2016 by the Association for Commuter Transportation, an international trade association and leading advocate for commuter transportation and transportation demand management.

Genuine Ridesharing

Genuine ridesharing programs typically provide public-private partnerships as well as flexible commuting options that benefit consumers and businesses alike.

Vanpooling also reduces annual transportation expenses by using volunteer drivers – which is much more cost-efficient than hiring paid drivers (for example, through ride-hailing companies). Vanpool participants also determine driving responsibilities and routing among themselves – unlike ride-hailing apps that require you to request, wait and pay for each use. This is one reason why Enterprise formally contacted the General Services Administration (GSA) in 2017 to highlight and document important differences between ridesharing and ride-hailing services.

Enterprise also moderated a 2017 panel discussion about “The Changing World of Transit Benefits” at the Association for Commuter Transportation’s (ACT) Public Policy Summit in Washington, D.C. The session explored the potential impact of tax reform on commuter benefit programs, plus common-sense efforts to further expand transit benefits at the grassroots level.  

In addition, in 2018 and 2019, the ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Journal published two Enterprise articles: “The Value of Vanpooling as a Strategic, Cost-effective, and Sustainable Transportation Option” and “Public Transportation, Private Enterprise.”

Reducing Traffic, Parking and Emissions

For an average commute of 80 miles per day, ridesharing can save individuals up to $6,000 per year by reducing the cost of gas, vehicle maintenance and depreciation. Furthermore, according to U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics data, commuter vanpools are the safest mode of public transportation when compared to motor bus, light rail, heavy rail, commuter rail and demand response services.

Commute with Enterprise manages vanpool programs that address both local and national needs by reducing carbon emissions, parking real estate and traffic congestion – including major bottlenecks and “hotspots” in metropolitan areas. In fact, businesses that offer Commute with Enterprise's vanpool programs as an added employee benefit not only gain a competitive differentiator for recruiting and retention, but also a way to improve their corporate sustainability profile. Enterprise also offers a free ride-matching program to help find co-workers with similar hours and routes.

For more information about Commute with Enterprise, visit


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